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5 Ways To Consistently Track Progress

By October 14, 2021 December 29th, 2021 No Comments

5 Ways To Consistently Track Progress For Better Results


1.      Plan and Organize Your Time

When it comes to tracking your progress & working toward achieving your goals, planning and organizing your time is key. Once you clearly recognize your own big picture goals, you then can plan and organize the necessary steps that you need to take in order to accomplish your goals. Staying organized will help you to recognize progress while also making the best use of your time so that more goals are met and everyday you’re closer to your ultimate goal.

2.      Embrace Accountability

Share your goals with your spouse, a good friend, or even us via Messenger or on one of our social media pages or our app that tracks progress and accountability for you. It’s important to have another person ask you about your progress. When there is someone else other than yourself holding you accountable, you are more likely to get your tasks completed throughout the week. You will be motivated by both the desire to avoid letting them down as well as the support and encouragement that they offer when you do accomplish your goals. Surround yourself with people who have your best interest in mind.

3.      Keep A Journal/ Use A Dedicated App

Making changes in life is not about one off actions. It is about forming new habits which serve you better and help you get where you want to go. If you are going to make important changes, you need to be able to measure and keep track of your progress. Easy ways to do this is to use a journal to log your food, exercise, goals, etc. or use our My Transphormation app to easily input and log  everything.

4.      Utilize A Smart Scale

Weight is so much more than just a number. You need a scale that can give you detailed info such as weight, BMI, body fat percentage, water, etc. These scales have become affordable and help track your progress on the scale’s stored memory, along with the scale’s corresponding app. It is now more convenient than ever to keep a log of your progress and see your changes mapped out on a graph over time If you are looking for something more advanced with greater detail and precision, all Next Level Sports Nutrition locations offer the inbody body composition scale for the most precise measurements and this is offered to all customers at no cost with a minimum purchase of $25.

5.      Break Down The Long-Term Goal Into Smaller, Short-Term Goals

Whenever we look at long term goals, they can seem so far away and out of reach. When we break them down into bite sized goals and tasks, they are much easier to attain week to week and even day by day. If you accomplish your goals today, that can lead to accomplishing your goals for the week, then the month, and even the year if you stick with it and just take things day by day. We all have missteps, it’s part of life. Consistency and a relentless attitude will help turn short term wins into long term achievements.

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